B.Sc 1st Semester Physics Practical File PDF

Practical is the most essential part of our graduation. And making practical files is very difficult because measurement and calculation are critical in practicals. Due to this region, some students fear too much based on that students. I will give you the B.Sc 1st Semester Physics practical file PDF download link in today’s article.

So you can make your physics practical file easily and with 100% accuracy. The physics practical file PDF that I gave you is based on NEP (New Education Policy). That means the syllabus of the practicals is the same for all universities. Like Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Banaras Hindu University, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, University of Allahabad, Dr Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, etc.

B.Sc 1st Semester Physics Practical File PDF Download

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Syllabus of B.Sc 1st Semester Physics Practical

There are lots of practical experiments in B.Sc 1st semester. But I will tell you the most important experiments that our teachers would like to give you to write about in your practical file.

No.Name of The Experiments
1.To study the variation of the moment of inertia of a system with the variation in the distribution of mass and verify the theorem of the parallel axis.
2.The modulus of rigidity of the material of a wire rod was determined using the statical method using Barton’s horizontal apparatus.
3.Maxwell Needle Experiment.
4.To find the force constant of a helical spring by plotting the k-x graph using the oscillation method (statical method).
5.To determine the modulus of rigidity of the material of a wire rod by the statical method using Barton’s horizontal apparatus.
6.The modulus of rigidity of the material of a wire rod was determined using the statical method using Barton’s horizontal apparatus.
7.To determine the Young’s modulus of a given beam supported at its ends and loaded in the middle.

All Seven practicals mentioned in this table are in the practical file PDF I provided. Suppose you want any other practical subject file, PDF, essential topics, or a question paper from the previous year. Please comment below, and I will provide that PDF.

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